Monday, May 21, 2007

deal ya no deal!

I guess the fact that we are going to become a management grad (with or without good grades) has started to dawn on the class of 2008 at ISB. In situations of normal life, we have started to identify with the concepts that we are being taught in the first term.
Pre-MBA: If your housing colony had only one eat-out place and if the guy charged abnormally high rates and gave you insipid food, you would crib about how mean he is and how he is taking advantage of us.
Now, after the first term, we talk of this as monopolistic behavior.
Pre-MBA: You spot your fav pair of jeans in that color that you always wanted, but find out that the price is more than your “budget”, but still dish out the money and get it and feel satisfied.
Now we know that the company managed to get the entire consumer surplus out of us!
Pre-MBA: You see an ad where you get an ipod free with a high end digital camera and say “wow, that’s a nice deal”
Well guess what, now we think of it as bundling and how the company would NOT want us to buy the products separately.

So you see, we have started thinking in terms of the concepts that we learn here and what more can be an indicative factor of the point that we have left the baggage of our previous career behind and have started to cross over to being a management grad.
Yeah, it is still a long way off, but surely the journey has really taken off!!


Unknown said...

good to see that you are enjoying it!

Girl With Big Eyes said...

Hey, that's a nice way of looking at it :)

Some people, like me, don't realise this transition. And believe me, once you finish your MBA and meet you old friends and start up a conversation, that's when you realise, how much your thought processes have changed!!

Enjoy! I feel a little nostalgic reading your posts!

VKM said...

The situation I am in rite now, dont think I will feel too nostalgic!
but i guess once u are out of college and are not worried about grades, the nostalgia factor will kick in!!