Wednesday, May 02, 2007

From the Biriyani City !

The heat. That’s the first thing that hits you when you come out of the comfort of your AC apartment in the campus. Not the imposing building, not the student village towers, not the lawns and gardens, not the occasional peacocks. But sweltering heat. That’s what you see and feel immediately. It scalds you and burns you and does not take pity on you and make you sweat! Being from gods own country, moi have been used to hot climate, but then god was good enough to give his subjects (!) the boon of humidity and make us sweat in the sun and relieve us from the agony of the sun god. But here, you walk under the scalding sun for an hour, you still don’t sweat. But you pant. But again, as they say, everything in this world is relative and my friends from the north western part of the country find this climate mild!! But, surprise, surprise, when they come to Kerala, they find the climate unbearable in the summer. Because they are not used to sweating you see!

My first impression of Hyderabad has been good. In fact I would even go to the extent of saying that I find it better than Bangalore in a lot of aspects. As one of my friends commented about the “new” Hyderabad – “the roads look like the F1 racing tracks, winding up and down and gives you a feeling of being inside the NFS game!” the rocky boulders spanning the sparse regions gives an impression of aridness which surprisingly does not displease the eye. The rickshaw drivers are courteous than their brethren in Bangalore and they are even interested in conversing with you. And the best thing being, they don’t believe in the vice of speeding dangerously down the highways, unlike, again, their Bangalore counterparts. In Bangalore, I would on an average, tell the driver to go slow, at least two times.

On my way from airport once, when I nudged the auto driver and asked him to go slow, he actually turned back and gave me a pitiful look and said “You just got down from a plane which was going n times faster than my auto !” (Well not exactly in those words, but close enough!).
I had half a mind to tell him that the traffic is not as bad up there as on a Bangalore road, but ended up telling him “Friend, you have not been involved in three accidents in your life, have you?”

1 comment:

Mridul said...

3 accidents ? sucks !
enjoy your life in b-school :-) and keep updating blog !!