Saturday, May 12, 2007

Two Sides To It

There are people who are so friendly that you feel good.
There are people who are always willing to help – strangers, but ask for a favor and you get it presto.
There are people who extend the hand of friendship, even while you were contemplating it.

There are also people who don’t acknowledge your presence. They look through you and consider it beneath them to talk to the junta. Even if you had talked to them the previous day.
There are also people who don’t meet your eyes and say “Hello”. Their sense of superiority, which they have defined, does not allow them to do so.
There are people who have already formed the “mutual admiration and sycophancy” society. They are mostly beings of importance and don’t care for mere mortals.


Mridul said...

hehehe, someone feeling bad/pissed/left out ?
remember, you always have friends who love you just the way you are !

VKM said...

susk...not left out and not feeling bad...but yeah..def feel pissed off when some self assuming folks act superior..

the second category is a minority isnt it? :)

chitra said...

hey.. has it ever occured to you that everyone might just be so confused and lost and dazed that they rely dunno where to look and whom to talk to?

VKM said...

i actually meant those types who have a superiority complex and doesnt want to stoop down to your level (from the high seat they have given themselves) for whatever reason..

Unknown said...

nice to see that you are taking the time to update your blog..

VKM said...

ak, if i dont have any outlets of stress like these, i will go mad. so decided to blog and gym!

Unknown said...

Atleast you have your support systems in place!

Maria George said...

hehe..... I second what chitra had to say... but i guess you wouldnt accept it from me...

VKM said...

well..all i can say is that u have to meet these kind of people to believe that they are really snobby!